March 20, 2014

Trading quotes

Collection of my favorite trading quotes

trading quotes for high quality trading

This list is a continuous work in progress. I will be adding new trading quotes as I find them.

"Persistence is instrumental to success. Most people faced with the early failures of some of the Market Wizards would have given up" - Jack Schwager

"Market success is a matter of finding the methodology that is right for you, not finding the one true methodology" - Jack Schwager

"Successful traders find a methodology that fits their personality" - Jack Schwager

"So what exactly is your methodology? If you cannot answer that question, you are not ready to be risking money in the markets" - Jack Schwager

"To make money you need to have an edge and employ good money management" - Jack Schwager

"I always want to be better prepared than someone I am competing against. I prepare myself by doing my homework each night" - Jack Schwager

"The hard work in trading comes in the preparation. The actual process of trading, however, should be effortless" - Jack Schwager

"Trading is about skill development and discipline" - Mike Bellafiore

"A man must believe in himself and his judgement if he expects to make a living of this game" - Jesse Livermore

"The only time I really ever lost money was when I broke my own rules" - Jesse Livermore

Source of many of the quotes above is Jack Schwager on twitter and his book "Little Book of Market Wizards".

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