December 28, 2015

Two years anniversary of this blog and a closing summary

Thank you

2 years, 47 posts, 22k page views...

I started this blog in December 2013 to share my story of becoming a consistently profitable forex trader, to help myself clarify my thoughts and plans, and to get some more motivation to follow my own trading plan.

Now in December 2015 I believe I can say that this blog has met the objective stated above :-) 
And I hope it offered some helpful perspective and materials to my readers.

At this point I am most likely to discontinue posting here, but the materials will remain available online.

I will continue to be active in the markets and I will now most likely focus on strategies that offer the highest return vs. time spent on trading... such as weekly momentum stocks strategy and a portfolio of ETFs that I will re-balance quarterly.

Trend following system on forex and commodities, using daily bars... I continue to think is a good strategy and yet I came to realize that its time requirements and capital requirements to make trading it really worthwhile... are somewhat higher than I estimated.

And so I felt like sharing this insight also here, in all honesty. But anyway most aspiring traders will need to experience this on their own vs. just reading about it.

Thank you and all the best in 2016 and beyond. 

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